
Brainworks Preschool chain
Here is the list of Brainworks Play schools in India (might not include all). Find Brainworks branches and franchises.
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Brainworks is a national chain of preschools that provides world class learning environment, scientific researched curriculum to maximize development of children during the early childhood years. Brainworks preschool follows a “Brain based learning” methodology whereby regular stimulation is given to a child during the “Windows of opportunity” which are the critical periods in a child’s life when specific learning takes place. Children are given opportunities to act out situations, play with blocks, puzzles, site read, sing rhymes and songs. These enriching experiences make the connections in the brain stronger, therefore fostering creativity, curiosity and confidence in a child. Brainworks was launched in the year 2008 with an aim to reach out to new age parents across various parts of India who are seeking high-quality and affordable education for their children in the 1.5-6 years age group. Today, in a short span of 3 years, Brainworks has more than 80 schools in over 18 cities with 5000 + satisfied students.

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