
Indianplayschools.com has been created as a database for listing all the playschools in India. However, we do not guarantee you about the quality of education in the schools listed here. Parents have to personally visit the playschool for checking the facilities available. Data about the chain of play schools has been taken from the respective websites of the preschools and some information has been acquired by directly contacting them. The data available of all the play schools like contact details, address details might have changed over time. We will be glad to update them if someone brings it to our notice.
The services provided for play schools is in partnership with many service providers whom we consider to be reliable. However, the products supplied are their own and hence we do not stand responsible for the quality of service offered. We would anyhow appreciate if you bring to our notice about any bad service provided to you by the supplier. We will take care not to deal with his services anymore. Please go through their terms and conditions before taking their services.
Please contact indianplayschools@gmail.com, 9849125091

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